Crate clarity

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Clarity is a low-level Ethereum transaction library written in pure Rust.


  • Any-endian, 32/64-bit support
  • Public/private key handling
  • Transaction signing and verification
  • ABI enconding for common data types (see abi::Token variants)

Getting started

Here’s an example lifetime of an Alice-to-Bob Ethereum transaction made with Clarity:

extern crate clarity;
extern crate futures;
extern crate web3;

use clarity::{Address, Signature, Transaction, PrivateKey};

use futures::Future;
use web3::{transports, types::Bytes, Web3};

// A helper for filling the keys
let mut key_buf: [u8; 32] = rand::random();

let alices_key = PrivateKey::from_slice(&key_buf).unwrap();

key_buf = rand::random();
let bobs_key = PrivateKey::from_slice(&key_buf).unwrap();

// Create a new transaction
let tx = Transaction {
    nonce: 0u32.into(),
    gas_price: 1_000_000_000u32.into(),
    gas_limit: 21_000u32.into(),
    to: bobs_key.to_address(),
    value: 100u32.into(),
    data: Vec::new(),
    signature: None, // Not signed. Yet.

let tx_signed: Transaction = tx.sign(&alices_key, None);

// You can always derive the sender from a signed transaction
let sender: Address = tx_signed.sender().unwrap();

// Send the locally assembled raw transaction over web3 (no need to trust another
// machine with your wallet or host a node locally).
let (_loop, transport) = transports::Http::new("http://localhost:8545").unwrap();
let web3 = Web3::new(transport);
let res = web3


pub use address::Address;
pub use error::Error;
pub use private_key::PrivateKey;
pub use transaction::Transaction;
pub use types::BigEndianInt;


A module to simplify ABI encoding
A module that defines how types serialize into RLP.
